High Collective Consciousness Values
Higher Consciousness Levels, Definition
Consciousness level values (CL) are scaled from 0 to 1200. The front-page gives Consciousness Level of the World results and the number of individuals above 850 that is the Ascension start point. This then is the start of the high range that continues up to the maximum level of 1199.
For those who wonder about the definition of becoming Awakened, this can be identified as the point where the consciousness level reaches a value of 650.
What will happen at the Ascension Point?
Since here we view the consciousness level of collectives, I will try to answer this question: What will happen when we reach ascension, what happens when a country, or city reaches the Ascension Point?
The World Consciousness Level is determined on the entire population of approximately eight billion people and its value is quite stable without rapid fluctuations. It, however, is increasing steadily. Countries are also stable but vary in value, some by a significant amount. Regions, Territories and States within countries are less stable. Individual Cities and Towns vary much more between high and low values and so it is likely that one will reach a value of 850 first.
What does it mean, what will it feel like? For sure it will feel good to be in this place that will be comfortable, peaceful, and positive. I’m sure that some will feel much more, however a lot of the population will be below the Ascension Point and so it will not directly affect them, but many will feel good, without knowing why. There will be no magical happenings to society, except gradual confrontation and ego issues will slowly take a back seat everywhere.